I feel cheated by the hiring support promised by hire sales and support team another startup has been experiencing the same problem, and switched to classical model of hiring.
We 2 startup were sold 6 months package. not a single hiring for both startup in last 3 months. It has caused big loss to my R&D. Search tool does not work, very limited search feature.
Since 3 months, I have been asking one thing that how to filter candidate interested in startup. Sales team promised to support for 4 hiring, but now everyone in hiree say, they have database of resume, that does not have features or support for startup hiring, 2 or more word search with AND operation.
Even some candidates have put bogus info and is not verified. Online feedback is very limited option(radio buttons to select), it should be free text to get the real feedback.I sent feedback online for candidate and email but no response or support shown to startup customer.
I am sure others would have felt similar problems in the past, and loss is too much.