I bought hit for flies & mosquitoes. Since we stay at 1st floor & its garden facing, so due to this many flies & mosquitoes start coming into rooms from around 5 in the evening. Since we used hit earlier for cockroaches & was very effective so thought to buy it.
I bought it for rs.216 which is high price, I felt. I read instructions, it said, spray with all windows closed, and open windows after 15 mins of spraying. Did it. First 2-3 days felt, it was working. But after that, was disappointed. Its effect dont last long. Maybe only 1 hr. Before sleeping I sprayed it. Midnight got up due to mosquitoes. Again sprayed it. Woke early morning, again as the mosquitoes were getting in my ears. Again sprayed. It has been only a month & the bottle is almost over. Without much effect. Also I dont understand that it says open windows after 15 mins, so the ones who are out also gets in.
Please anyone suggest me, what should I do to prevent this mosquitoes.