I am pregnant and have a 15 month old son and he is now at an age where he puts any and everything in his mouth. Since I have shifted to my mothers place I have been forced to bear the spray and its horrible side effects as my dad religiously sprays it all over the house especially the kitchen, dining and bedrooms.
In my own home I use a herbal pest control remedy and it always has been effective and I have no worry thinking what my son might consume if he bites or licks things exposed to the a deadly toxic spray like HIT.
Today my son was vomiting all the food and milk he had through the day as he had sucked on some piece of plastic which had been generously sprayed by my dad which lay on the floor in a corner of the house. My son must have found it in the course of his play and chewed on it.
I know you will say that caution with regard to the child has to be taken but is it not also true that such sprays should be banned from homes with small children and expectant mother. But the fact is some stuborn people like my dad dont understand the effects of this chemical as it can cause severe brain damage to the nerves whether inhaled or swallowed.