My decision of choosing Hitachi for my room AC is based on two two things -- a) recommendation by a reputed user of the product and secondly by its brand name.
My Hitachi is 1.0 Ton Split Iota.The height of our room is a bit more than the modern flat-type room. Itis about 11 ft., but it is 13 x 9, legth and breathwise. Therefore I had an apprehension that 1 ton may not be sufficient for our room.
But my doubt has been proved wrong. The AC cools very fast, but never chills.The remote is very user friendly with lots of features for personal customization. The Timer, Kaimin and Quick Cool modes are very useful.
I am particularly fond of its Kaimin, Auto Climate control Technology and De-humidification feature, mainly during the rainy months. This feature helps u getting rid of the moistness of ur room, which is mainly responsible for cough and cold when ur room gets cooled.
The electricity bill is appreciably less. For running the machine for 5 hrs. (We used to run the machine during the night at bed time), it comes to around Rs.600/= per month, ofcourse over and above the nornal electricity bill.
The inside unit is very asthetically designed with cool off-white/ ivory white (?) colour.
So far I have not felt any constraints against this gadget, excepting its at lest 6-7000/= rupees extra cost over the competitors.
My purchase date is May 2007 from Great Eastern Trading Co., BBD Bag, Kolkata. They also gave me facility of installment payment over 8 months with zero% interest.
The after sales service has so far been more or less satisfactory with periodic (quarterly) cleaning of the filter.