Very efficient and good value for money. Though you are spending 2000 extra compared to other models, once owned you will feel satisfied that you have owned yourself a world class product. Though it says Logicool is for the commercial establishment, I really wanted to have an Hitachi brand installed @ my home. When I inquired the customer care, I was told that there is no much of a difference between the Hitachi and Hitach Branded Logicool.
Very minor difference, (Am talking about the Split AC Features) The only challenge is, if the Remote fails, you can only switch on the Machine but cannot control the temperature or do anything with it and no Digital Temp Display on the Indoor Unit. But still I can live without it. My room is 12 * 13 and it cools the room in 10 mins and more over I have a digtial temperature which I used in the room where the unit was installed. I set the room temp as 25 to have the unit cut off, guess what, when the AC cut off the room temp thats showing on my digital clock was exactly 25. So precise.
I hope the unit will perform and will last for a long time. Thanks to Hitachi.