After a lot groundwork & careful scrutiny of all the popular brands of window a\c. I narrowed my choice to ogeneral & hitachi quadricool.
though I was circumspect on choosing hitachi after reading reviews in this forum I took it up with my dealer who convinced me that most of them have been rectified.
quadricool tm with the twin motor tech cuts your electricity bill substantially
cooling is efficient
as the air vents are placed in both the right & left corners there is an wider range of distribution of the cooled air.
4.Kaimin mode - increases the temp by 1 deg every hour . using this mode during night , increases the room temp as the ambient air temp drops . thus preventing the discomfort of a cold draft in the small hours
4.pleasing aesthetics
dimensions are slightly larger than the conventional window a/cs of same capacity. it might be difficult to install it in previously fixed ac grills.
it is not as silent as it is claimed to be. especially when there are voltage fluctuations, the motor restarts with clatter which is bound to get on your nerves.
the display is off the wall- it does not show the temprature but only the mode and fan speed .everytime you want to know what temp has been set you have to hunt for the remorte.
4.the remote has a panel which has to be flipped open for most of the operations & is of a tacky quality.
A caveat during installation- a wooden block provided in the packing to protect the compressor has
to removed before mounting it on your wimdow.
so far I have not had any frivolous problems which vindicates the claim of my dealer that they have been rectified.
cannot comment about the quality of after sales service as I have not needed one so far.
hope this review had been worth the salt & has helped you decide on buying it or scratching it off your fav list.