I bought HitachiQuadricool TM 1.5 ton window air conditioner after a lot of comparison with other machines based technical information on internet and product brochures from the dealer
M/s Shyam Enterprises, Bhilai(Durg) on 30th Jan 09. However to my disappointment the machine from the day one suffers from manufacturing defects. The control panel transparent cover does not close and the horizontal air delectors would come off their mountings when tried to adjust.
Quality of plastic of front grill is poor considering the cost of machine. even the quality of fastners of machine pathetic( dont expect crome plated fastners), finish of remote hand set is not up to the mark. The machine shakes inside the chasis when the comprerssor & condensor fan runs and make you enjoy the sound of a railway train in your room.
On making complaints the service personnel visited and tried to dampen vibration buy inserting some wooden packing but it did not work. ( the fool thought he could take me for a ride). I specifically pointed to him the vibration/ shaking of condensor fan motor and was told that the problem would be told to his superiors ..only God knows who they are and when would they respond.
This is supposed to be the one of costliest window air conditioner and what an apprecialble quality control practice of Hitachi......better to buy a carrier or voltas...if at all one decides to buy any product from this company dont make payments until the machine is installed and running to your satisfaction.If you think your money is hard earned and precious dont buy a hitachi product.