Hey people,
I had written before that I had purchased this airconditioner (hitachi quadricool 1.5 ton) but the machine I got was faulty and did not work , hitachi replaced it within a day, and really though I might have thought negatively about it, but after the replacement, the aircondioner has really coolled the negative thinking and has become positive, the a\c is really very good and brings the temperature very pleasant and cool in about 20mins, the a\c comes with a fully functional and easy to use remocon(remote), the other part the noise that the a\c makes is a bare minimal the blowers if kept on low , there is no noise , but as all a\cs do the compressor cutt off and start makes a little noise, but even that is lower than the other a\cs. a very well built a\c, the only thing is the expensive price tag, the electric comsuption yet has to be checked, but for the performance the a\c gives on powerful and cool mode is amazing and worthwhile, the power index helps in keeping a track on the electric consumption, the other features include off as well as on timer, auto climate control, my mode, and kaimin mode which max 4hours ( set temp 21c - 22c (after an hour)-23c - 24c - 25c)increases the degree every hour for comfort aswell as electric consump. digi lock prevents unauth. use of a\c, there is a auto lowpower cumsumption mode but that keeps the a\c cooling only for 25c . on a whole the a\c is worth the money 4 sure.