So you want to know how to talk to someone? You know that you are not the most attractive person, and things dont always go your way. What do you do? Go see a Date Doctor. Okay, Hitch gave good advice, but his advice did not win the ladies over. What attracted the ladies was just the about that. Makes you think of what a person is really looking for.....
The thing that went wrong with the Date Doctors Advice was that he really did not know the other person... Yes he gave good advice but it just did not work out for his clients or hisself in the end......
My Favorite parts in the movie....
Hitch is allergic to shell fish...face blows up so big....and he still gets the girl after all that.
The speed date.....
Albert cant dance, Hitch tells him not to, but he cant help himself...
Albert, oh that man was just clumsy but Allegrea like that about him and he got the all disbelif.