Hitch is being raved about as the year’s funniest Hollywood movie. It’s basically a romantic comedy starring Will Smith as Hitch, who’s a consultant for all the guys out there who want to be with someone they want, but due to their personal attributes, whether physical or emotional or otherwise, fail. His job is to provide opportunities to the women to know them and fall in love with them and etcetera. But as all the romance/comedy go, the master of panache and sophistication, becomes one of those guys, when he meets his beloved, played by Eva Mendez…Shocked?
The script, well is not original but is carried off very well. The credit goes to the acting skills of the cast and to some extent, the landscape, which has been portrayed beautifully. As for the cast, Will Smith is his usual, funny and innocent self, cracking us up. Even with those ears, which grow unusually large, he has given a good performance. Mendez is good, not different, but good. Others play their part with flair, but Smith is the star of the movie.
My problem is not much with the movie, but with its response. It seems to me that every romantic comedy works it way through, every. Of course, the two genres of comedy and romance are always evergreen and perpetually attract our attention, and who wouldn’t like to see another Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan romance? Hitch in this movie works as an agent of love, Doctor Love. What I like about this is that it’s not the girls he counseling, but the ‘desperate’ dudes. But nonetheless, the movie success is based on the facts of stereotypes, attitudes and category, like every woman will behave this way, every woman will want this and that… and so on. Even though this one thing makes the movie work, as it reinforces the typecast, it becomes the flaw as well.
Hoping for a change soon.