Does anybody remember the old mechanical manual and automatic watches
from HMT? Well our fathers and uncles used to swear by them. Partially
because they dont have another choice and partially because they were
good and INDIAN.
I tried to search for a new HMT Watch in Delhi but every shopkeeper I
asked that for looked at me as if I am an alien.Woh nahin aati
ab.That was their pet reply.Then I tried to do a bit of research
work on Internet.And I found that HMT is still there.Though its
site doesnt list the watch models as the links when to opened gives
error.Then I tried to go into HMT Tractors section(yes they
manufacture tractors too) and there I got linked to their international
website and whoa I got to see the watch models there.During my
research I found some very interesting links like;read=298978
Specially the third link bowled me over.Whoa what a piece HMT Janata
was.Brilliant.And the foreigners are collecting it as "Collection
item" along with the Hamilton and Endura.Unbelievable.
Hey can any body help me buying HMT Janata or Rajat in Delhi as I know Rajat is still being manufactured.
RSS, Shivsena, Bajrang Dal people you talk about Bhartiyata why dont you do something to revive a pure Bhartiya company of excellence like HMT.WHY DONT YOU?
P.S:- I bought HMT Sweekar, Mechanical Automatic Watch from the only HMT showroom in Delhi at Parliament Street, Near Dak Bhawan. Mind you HMT Sweekar is not listed in the product gallery of Dont know why? In addition bought a pair of HMT Freedom edition quartz watches. The showroom unlike its poor exterior was very well maintained one in the interiors. Can make a seperate review on that:)