I am interested in antiques but finding a website on the internet with a good quality is hard. This website(hobbyclues.in) however, has a lot of options which makes it user friendly.
The categorization option is absolutely an advantage. One can enter his city, town, or the type of antique he wants and refines the results! I was sick and tired of surfing on the 2nd hand web-sITES_Company with lots of other materials which I am not interested in. This website gives me a kind of easy way to find the exact thing that Im looking for.
The other thing I must say is that it gives you the option to ask the value of what you got. I had to find some facebook pages or visit some antique stores to find out how much is the value of an antique mirror for example. But finally I found this website and I can ask the value of the thing I got with just one click!
I definitely recommend this page to anyone who is for antique stuff, either to sell or to buy! I know the style of the page might seem a bit complicated but in just 5 minutes it will become the most user-friendly website for you!
Thanks for the person who created this web-page.:)