Akshay kumar starrer holiday is a very action and comedy movie.akshay kumar superstar acting is so excellent and I like sonakshi sinha act so much.Captain Virat Bakshi(Akshay Kumar), an army man, returns home to Mumbai for his holidays. A 40+ looking Virat goes to see Sahiba(Sonakshi Sinha) with his family but he rejects her for being old fashioned. Later, Virat realizes that Sahiba is the one he is looking for and he tries to woo her. Just when the audience are wondering in despair, Virat witnesses the explosion of a bus in which he had traveled with his police officer friend played by Sumeet Raghavan. Virat captures the man who planted the bomb in that bus and soon finds out that he is a mere executor, a sleeper cell, whose only role was to plant the bomb. He also discovers that a terrorist group which the bomber belongs to, has planned various such attacks in the city in a couple of days. Enlisting the help of his fellow Army men and his friend Virat manages to thwart these attacks and kill the sleeper cell leaders brother and eleven other terrorists. When the leader of the terrorist group Farhad(Feddy Daruwala) finds out about the role of Virat in the failure of the terrorist attack, he lands up in the city to reply back. And how Virat saves the city and his country by finishing the sleeper cells forms the crux of the story.