Hollyoaks is a english soap that is aimed at the younger audience mainly teenagers. The show gets over 5 million viewers each week around the United Kingdom. The show is on Monday and tuesday between 6 and 7, there are 2 episodes put on back to back each lasting 30 minutes including adverts. The show is about the residents in the town Chester which is in Manchester, England.
One of the big storylines just now was a rape.
The victim of the rape was Beth Morgon, who got raped by top footballer Scott Anderson(england striker). She tryed to get revenge for what he had done to her, by trying to run him over in her car she hit him, leaving him with a broken leg and ruling him out of the biggest football event in the world The World Cup. He then gets her arrested for attempted murding and she gets out on bail a few weeks before she is to be in the court-room for her attempted murer charges. She then gets a meer 6 months inprisionment, which she is happy about becuase she was facing upto 10 years so she was lucky. The storylines have been following the Morgans mostly this few months cos beths brother adam was also the main plot when he had a car crash and is now in a wheelchair.
I hope this gives you an idea of what the soap is about, his show is recommened very highly, a must see.