Hi Friends! While surfing mouthshut, I thought that I may as well writeabout the medical services offered at Holy Family, the so-called missionaryhospital. This piece of writing is not just an attempt to review the medicalfacilities available in the hospital and the treatment meted out to thepatients, but is based on my personal and practical experience. Last year, on17th September, 2005, my father slipped from the staircase of our buildingbecause of the negligence of the people staying at the first floor. As we stayin Okhla, the immediate action was to take our father to Holy Family for firstaid and then lodge a complaint against the owners of the first-floor people. Aftergetting my father admitted in Holy Family, I approached the Okhla PoliceStation. They asked for a certificate from the hospital to be able to takenecessary action. When I asked the doctor in-charge (Emergency) for thecertificate, he refused saying that he has no time for all these things.He accused us of tempering with our statements. When we re-narrated thewhole incident, he said that he has no time to remember stories as every momentpatients are admitted here.
This was a clear example of how they misbehave with the patients family andare also big liars. The next thing was that since my father had fractured his leftarm, the doctor came and gave us a paper detailing the expenses of theoperation. The duration mentioned was 2–3 hours; the cost was around Rs.75, 000;and we were asked to arrange for blood also. The tentative dates were given forthe next week. And, we were also informed that if the operation was to beperformed before that, then there would be additional charges as the disksrequired would have to be bought in case of emergency.
As we were not in a position to decide anything at that moment that too whendoctors were showing no sign of any sympathy or concern, we took our father toSant Parmanand Hospital (Delhi), and one can’t imagine that the total expensesfor the operation were just Rs.16, 000, including all the tests and roomtariffs. And, he was operated upon in two days and, moreover, it was a bloodlesssurgery. By the grace of God and the assistance of the helpful doctors, myfather recovered in 45 days.
So, I don’t have to say anything more. After reading this, you can very wellimagine the painful and traumatic experience my family went through during the10-hour stay at the Holy Family hospital. In addition, the Holy Family doctors saidthat my father would not be able to lift his arm in the future even after theoperation. And, the fact is that he is back on his job of running the coachingcentre and performs all his daily duties on his own, thanks to the benevolentdoctors of the Sant Parmanand Hospital.
Thats why I say the doctors at Holy Family are as good as Dr. Astana of Munna Bhai whose beleif was never to associate oneself with the patient. They forget that mothers Touch Therapy cures babys many problems. And what is this Touch Therapy? Nothing but the love and affcetion in your touch which relaxes the patient.