Reviewing a hospital – or in fact any of the services is, in fact a difficult task – primarily because all the individuals - at the both end of service reception are different. And in a place like hospital, a person does consider himself /herself lucky if the patient comes out healthy (or even alive sometimes) – with the expanses stretched not too far.
Holy Family Hospital did give the joy of holding my (first)baby – my, now 12 days old daughter, in my own arms. Reason to select this hospital: Due to positive(professional) reviews and references – my wife is a Doctor herself – and all the colleagues gave this hospital avery positive rating – in fact a better rating than that of the one in which she was working herself.
Admission process: As said above, we had chosen HFH very well in the advance, and had had all of pre-delivery check-ups there so that the consultant there could be well aware of the medical records, and yes, we were told in advance all the expanses etc.
But on the D-day, after my wife was in causality, the first thing these idiots did was to give me (again) the detailed break up – perhaps a better thing should have been to treat the patient first and then look for details – esp. when they had a regular patient in there. Also, one thing which I did NOT fail to notice was that they moved my wife to pre-natal care room only AFTER we paid them the advance (15k)to them…
The actual process: One thing which I’ll praise them would be that 1. Doctors were good / competent 2. Process went on smoothly. 3.A very good, renowned pediatrician is there to take good care of infants.
Very often I’ve heard that private hospitals do press patients for cesareans as it is more profitable for them – but NOT this hospital. Medical care: It is among one of the good ones in Delhi – we chose it (and later on experienced ourselves too) due to its good and competent medical staff the doctors – gynecologists, pediatricians, and then physiotherapists, dietitians etc and yes, the nurses, cleaning staff etc. all are good.
Hospital stay, afterwords: Normally, if everything goes on smoothly, the patient is discharged on 3rd day, but in our case the baby developed some jaundice, so had to be given the photo-therapy and nursing care for 2 more days. They keep on doing all the tests by themselves and just gave you advice on this – you don’t have to worry, your beloved one will be in 24x7 constant care.
Charges: For 5 days stay the total came out to be around 40k - although the per day stay fee is OK types (2500 for private room, 1500 for nursery) other charges like 300 as nursing charges (separate for each of ma and baby), then fee of visiting doctors, physiotherapists and yes medicines too, keep on adding – you can safely say it as around 5-6k per day…for initial 3 days I was given an assessment of 30-35k.
I believe (means that not sure) these charges are in sync with other hospitals in Delhi – I know about a couple of big, more expansive hospitals too, and then there are government ones too, which do charge considerably less.
Rooms / cleanliness etc.: A nice, clean hospital with clean rooms – OK you won’t get TV or phone etc here, but all the necessary amenities are there– including the most important one - a proper medical care. For private rooms they charge 2500per day + 300 for nursing care...but then you may notice that this charge is lesser than the per-day room charges of some hotels (having comparable facilities).
Staff behavior: Overall the staff is really polite –barring a couple of incidences ( where a nurse (name not known) didn’t call us to feed the baby and then, a Sr. Resident, Gynecology (a certain lady, Dr.V.) at night duty first came late then scolded us…this hospital does have a very polite (and competent too) staff – on which you can rely on well beings of your dear ones.
Boo hoo…
- Some charges are exorbitant, e.g. 1 ml of anesthesiatic drug– 600 is too much for this (well, we know the price of this thing, my wife is an anesthetist herself).
2.Hmm…500 for Dr.V (charged in the name of one senior consultant)– I hope that they don’t give that lady more than 50 bucks…
- Well, here too the Docs (in OPD) do have a tendency to promote each others private practice – if a doctor remains too busy in HFH / some instrument is not of good quality – why exactly the OPD part has been built in this building for…just for catching the patients for private practices?
But can’t do anything as this has happened with me at hospitals like Fortis (VK) and Apollo(GGN) too…on our own part, we too do go with this, coz sometimes it costs a little less, at others we can go to them in the evening without missing the work or believe that they’ll give usmore time.
4.Perhaps the nurses there should learn a proper, understandable lingua-franca of Delhi – either of Hindi or English will do. Sometimes it is difficult to understand whether they’re asking a question or are giving us some information (e.g. Baby ko dood-pila diya….yes-sorry-excuse-me…..ya-ya - baby drink milk).
5.They have a policy of not showing the patient records to (admitted) patients & their relatives – although they do write everything in discharge slip, give you all the reports, we did find our faith a bit waning on our 5th day’s stay there...but yes, at the end, whatever they had told us was quite right.
Although you pay (or since) you pay a lot, but you don’t have to run (like it is in Govt. hospitals) for tests, medicines, reports etc – somebody would always have already got it done for you…or if needed, accompanied you to the relevant department of the hospital.
I did like the overall nursing staff behaviour there – they are caring, polite, nice and trained to handle us – the impatient relatives of patients. The way they presented our baby to us – nicely wrapped – our little bundle of joy – has left a very nice, memorable impression on me.