“Home Improvement” is the hilarious serial after friends, which revolves around the Taylor family with Tim the tool man, Jill his wife, and three kids, it also has Al Borland (Tim’s assistant), Heidi (tool girl) and Wilson (Taylor’s neighbor). All of them are special in their own way and one loves them when all are available in one show. Tim has an excellent sense of humor and makes one hold his stomach; we can call Al as the “bakra” of all of his jokes and stunts. Jill is shown as a woman who knows her husband toooooo well and the relationship between them is absolutely marvelous. It seems that they are a family in reality. Mr. Wilson is their neighbor with whom all of the Taylors share their problems but they never show the face of Wilson in the whole series.
The roles, performances, emotions, sets are so perfect and real that I really think that they are a family.
It is still shown but is being repeated on star world on weekdays so, if u have missed it so go watch it as I am sure that it wont let u down.