Once I had bought "growth on"after seeing advertisement on tv. They send me the product, there are three small bottles of "growth on"in packet. I had approx 2000 thousand rupees.I had ask the care, that how to use it so they tell me. And I also ask is that your product really work on me or not. They told me that it 100% worked on you, it is clinically tested in lab and on other people. After using it for three months approx, it just nothing happened to me so I called care. First time while I had call them told me that it doesn't work so what I do sir and after that they ignoring me while on call they started chat with someone other on his call center. And just didn't reply and disconnected the call. So I called again them after some days and guss what they didn't pick my call. So I called them to other number and told them again that there product didn't work when they know that this is me they again disconnected the call. They are fraud and still making fool to customer. There almost every product is similar to that like beauty cream, hair grow shampoo like that things which is necessary to normal middle class person and they chet us.