I ordered some solid wood furniture from Hometown, Marthahalli on 8th August and was told that it would take 20 days for delivery. Fine. I made a part payment.
On 11th, someone called up saying that the furniture was in stock and to come and make the full payment after which the stuff would be delivered in 2 days.
On 14th, I made the full payment and was told that the furniture would be delivered on 17th. I was specifically assured that the delivery would happen on this date. Fine again.
On 16th I called up the store to confirm and was again assured that 110% the delivery would happen on 17th. Excellent so far.
So 17th, I stayed at home to receive the furniture.
Till 5pm there was no delivery or call from them. So I called them up to be told quite casually that the delivery would not happen since 1 of the products had not passed the PDI. Oh? All of a sudden they discover that the product is faulty and dont even bother to inform. I asked them to have a manager call me up and explain to me what was going on.
Quite predictably, no one called up. After a while, I called them up again and this time someone told me that the delivery would be done the next day. I asked them not to bother, that I would come to the store shortly to take a refund.
Next the sales person with whom Id interacted when buying called up saying that the delivery would happen by late evening. He said that there was nothing wrong with the items... for some strange reason they had failed to load the truck with my stuff, hence they didn’t deliver yet. As soon as 1 delivery vehicle came back, my stuff would be dispatched. He also gave me his 110% assurances that the delivery would happen. Great.
Well, as you can guess, no delivery happened. Neither on 17th, nor 18th, nor 19th. And wonders of wonders, no one from the store even bothered to call and explain what was going on.
Today, 19th, quite irritated I went to the store late in the evening and asked them what was going on. This time I was told that the item is not even in stock.
I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. First I was told that the item is in stock, then that it is defective, then that it didn’t get loaded, finally that it isn’t even in stock.
Totally irritated by now I demanded that they refund my money, which they agreed to do after some hand wrenching and promises that the stuff would be delivered soon.
I was not willing to listen to any of their stories, and have asked for a full and immediate refund. They have said it will take 10 days for the refund. 4 days later I will be given the bank reference number, and in another 6 days after that the refund will be in my card account.
I did not believe it that they would refund the money as promised, and I still dont believe it. It has been 2 weeks since 19th, and there is no sign of the money refund.
Well, I know how to deal with services like this. Ive filed and won consumer forum cases before. After I exhaust the usual possibilities, I will file one against them as well.