I placed an order with this store in Marathahalli, Bangalore, on 21st October, 2012 for a bed, order no. 2004081646, primarily for my senior parents.
I was promised 2 weeks by the salesman at the store and it took 2 months after about 10 calls to chase up and then, a damaged piece was delivered - the head of the cot and till date the piece has not been replaced after more than 25 calls from me and my senior father over the past 3 months! The managers of this store, Hitesh Shah, Pradeep and others do not have the basic sense to return calls and share status.
I want them to take the damaged piece and give me a refund immediately(they never talk about it when I bring up the subject) and I am not sure who all I will need to chase to make that happen.
I cannot believe a store can be so bad!
Please never buy from them, I will never buy.