Went to Home Town Marthahalli branch(mostly for browsing and to check what is available)
There was a "upto 40%" discount on some drilling kits.
Curious, went near to it and checked and more curiously they had 2 price stickers on it.
One read 3500+ Rs and another one read 5500+ Rs.
Asked the sales person if we are having a 40% off on 3500 Rs MRP. the sales person quickly said that the "3500 Rs" is "old sticker" and peeled it off.
You dont need a calculator to figure out that 5500 with 40% discount works out somewhere near 3500 Rs.
In the name of discount, shops usually jack the prices up and then bring it to normal price range with the discount. only people who know the normal prices get to know the scam.
I also bought some item with a MRP label of 70 Rs(this was not under any sale or discount)
at the checkout counter the bill came out to be 40 Rs. What is the point in putting a sticker when it is not accurate? I am not complaining that I had to pay less than the "MRP", but than how can I trust any sticker put on the goods?
I suppose hometown is not the only place such things happen.