Homelane is the worst. We have had booked our order 60 days back, till date they havent finalized a quote. Every other day we call them & we get some or other execuses from them. The decorator & also the team are all very good in giving false hopes. Initially they showed so much enthusiasm but after we paid first 10% non refundable amount we only have got a cold treatment. I dont see this going anywhere & Im in dilemma if to lose my money or should I continue with them. And what kind of quality these people are going to give.
1) we have gone to Thane showroom thrice, none of the times we met any other team member other than the decorator assigned for our project.
2.They have lots of lots of processes which nobody gives clear idea about. Only when we started asking questions they came up with process explanations.
3) we selected the laminate which was showed us to be a high gloss & later in was told that it was acrylic & if you want to have it budget will go on 25%+. This was told to us after the 45 days of selection. Meanwhile they were sleeping I guess.
4)I dont think they have any customer value to them. They always show nobody cares attitude when you call them or visit their showroom.
5)they told about completion in 45 days, but that is after your design phase is finalized & you get your quote. For the same quote they have now took 60 days from the date of order booking.