I read a lot -ve about HS18 on MS, however I have all together different experience. I have ordered 3 products till now from HS18.
Glen 4 burner cooktop. Costed me INR 2995 which is minimum 300 cheaper then the cheapest claiming places as I did intense survey. Delivered in only 4 days, running fine since 2 years.
Spice QT 53 combo of 2 phones 1 White & 1 Black. Costed me INR 2999 - 300 so 2699 net with 3 Citibank EMIs of 0%. Again box packed, running with no issues since 5 months.
Maxx MA440 Android phone. Costed me 4330 with Android 1.6, 8 GB Memory card & this was supposed to be delivered with a Rebook shoe which I didnt got, called C.Care where they promptly addressed the issue & Freebee is expected in 2-3 days.
So, honestly I found HS18 to be reliable & safe as compared to many other online stores emerging in market like mushrooms. These are my personal experience & may be someone might habe a bad experience but I havent.