HomeShop 18 is all show - You are great till you make the mistake of placing an order with them. Do that, and you will promptly receive order no.s, prompt SMS, delivery status etc. etc.
BAD Quality
Open the package, and be ready to be stumped. The product they promised asGreat DEAL at a low price is going to be sub-standard and bad, especially the low cost deals that float on their Todays Special Trash.
Then, if you hope to return this product and ask for a refund, you are in for a huge trouble. First, they dont have any proper return system in place - in todays day and age, it takes their lovely customer care good 4 days to reply to your mail.
They ask you to book a return of your product in maximum 48 hours of receiving the product, failing which they will refuse to take back your product - Smart, no? Horrible tactics.
Then, you call, mail, do whatever, they will tell you we have generated a ticket, which will not reach you until you call 10 times. Try generating a ticket on their website - and the system wont work!
The Reverse Pick Up!
Finally, when you get to get your complaint ticket generated, you will be asked to waitpatiently till you get a call back from theirgenerous customer care representative. Your courier should be packed in original packing - Really!
The call will never come btw. You will receive a message saying your package will bereverse shipped and will be picked by a courier guy, from whom you have to extract a docket no. which you have to dutifully give to adiligent customer care person at HS18 by calling back.
The Courier Guy
After waiting for a good 72 hours over the promised48 hours you will call again and then you shall be told that your courier guy is on the way - should reach you in next 48 hours.
WOW! Finally, the poor courier guy will come to your doorstep - yes, he was the only one good in this whole ordeal - he will call you, OMG! So sweet, honestly! So, you take the docket no. and give the courier guy the package.
So, you are like - "finally I have gotten myself rid of the shit". But, wait, "will I get back my money?" HS18 says so, so you wait and wait.
Oh, yes, as soon as your courier arrives you call HS18 and give your docket no. which in my case was noted down wrongly by the sweet agent. AMA.ZIN.GG So, 6 days pass, and no, I get no call back, so I callback and out comes the mystery.
Will I? Wont I?
Now, I am waiting. Will I get back my money? I dont know. I have been told I will get a call back - yes, Once Again!
If you hope to get great deals.
If you hope to save on time and effort.
If you feel you will be easily able to return stuff you dont like.
If you feel you will get good service, like other websites.
If you wish to get a good online ordering experience.
If you hope to get treated well.
If you hope to get good value for your money.
HOMESHOP 18 IS NOT NOT NOT NOT the place. Steer Clear!