Believing that a Shopping site promoted by a responsible Tv channel to be as responsible proved to be a myth.
Having ordered a Mobile phone on 16th October, 2007 I finally got the product only on the 30th October, 2007 but not before facing belligerant and obnoxious questioning from arrogant Sales Execs. lots of coaxing with e-mails and complaints and irresponsible answers from their distribution Channel partners, who had the gumption of denying the information posted on their website regarding the movement of the consignment.
No complaints on the product quality as the same is first grade, but then it is the whole deal in totality which leaves a bitter taste in the mouth, I believe my only folly was booking the deal through my credit card, which was duly verified my Cerdit card provider and though the amount was duly debitted from my account on 17th October, 2007, Home Shop 18 okayed the deal as verified three days later.
Beware, Seeing is not believing.