I have purchased Vox VGS 509 Qwerty key pad Cell phone on 29/06/2010 from Home Shop 18 with warranty of 6 months, the cost of the above cell is Rs.5000/-. The order no. of the product is 704213288. After three months the set stopped working. First the display was gone, then after two days it was automatically rectified. Then after one week again the set stopped working completely. On this, we contacted the Customer care and explained the problem. They advised us to wait for their call for confirmation till 24 hrs. We have been waiting for lot of time with minimum patience but, they are not bothered about their customers. Again after fifteen days we have contacted them, they bluntly replied that, they will give an address where the piece will be sent for repairing but, the expenses for repairing it should be bared by the customer only. We had lot of arguments with the people that, even though the warranty period has not completed why should we pay the expenses? but they didnt hear our problem. Again we sent e-mails also but they didnt respond properly. It is still not working. We are fed up with the people of HS -18.
We purchased many products from HS-18 and also recommended the same to many of our family members. So far we did not face this much problem. Each and every time when we contacted the HS-18 people we felt very happy that, the problems are solved in a very cool atmosphere. But now what happened to them and why they are doing like this we dont know. It is very strange that, even after spending big amount on the product, the product itself stops working, you people just imagine how we are suffering. However, we (the customers) putting the efforts with much patience doesnt mean that the customer is mad. If, problem comes after warranty period we must be silent but before that, just you people make telephone conversation that the article warranty is over!! This is not fair. Three months before the Warranty period expired we started our efforts to make it smooth and in a healthy manner, but you people did not co-operate with us.
Please do needful arrangement at least now, to make a good business by arranging replacement or get it repaired, other wise we have to choose legal action as per our jurisdiction conditions laid down in the prescribed booklet of the product. Please do favorable action at your end.