Friends, HomeShop18 Corporate responses are fraud and they are real bds! Fed up with these people. You can see a stamp "response received" is just to take you in a wrong way. These are wrongly stamped.
They actually never resolve the issues still they provide a stamp response received so that people think the corporate team resolves issues but these are actual bds. Dont go to purchase seeing the stamp. They have delivered wrong product 3rd time also and they are not ready even to returning the product. Bdy bds!
For more information please check my review: HOMESHOP18 is a fraud, bt, Cheater Reddy Hello Friends, HomeShop18 Online Shopee is bt. It does not deliver products which are shown on HS18TV.
After repeated calls and escalations, they delivered wrong product even the 3rd time. I received the wrong product on last Saturday. I raised a complaint on Saturday and the customer care representative asked me to wait for 72 business hours for the complaints department to get back to me with the resolution.
I didnt get any call. I called back on Wednesday to inquire about the status of the complaint but Strange, I got to know that the complaint is not yet registered and since they didnt send me any SMS, that itself indicates that the complaint is not yet registered. They asked me to raise a complaint again. I have requested them to do so. Now I received a SMS stating my complaint number, but till now no one has called me back.
Not only corporate team, or the customer care executives, HomeShop18, all are cheaters, and now I am forced to use the words like rogues, idiots. Since they have not registered any complaint after repeated calls too. Care representatives are working 24*7 to log a complaint in the system, but they are not registering the complaint itself shows how reckless these people are, cheating the customers.
Very very very bad experience. I strongly recommend not to purchase any of the products from HomeShop18!
I have ordered a 5 Pcs Night wear set by Mia and Cloe watching the ad on HS18 TV. Order no.957759465 placed on 7th November 2014(early morning around 1:00 PM) for Silky Desires -5 Piece Nightwear Set from Mia by Cloe(Seller:Purple Panda Retail Pvt. Ltd.).
I received the product by 9th November 2014 evening. Mode of Payment is Cash on Delivery. This is the 1st product I have ordered online without looking at the product. I have gone against my family regarding online purchasing and bought it.
I liked the slippers shown on TV, thats y bought this product. When I opened the pack, the product was in a dirty/old condition and also slippers were mismatch. I called customer care and informed the same and asked for replacement.
The customer care executives forwarded the issue to complaints department. I got a call from Complaints department within 72 hours but could not attend the call because I was in washroom. I waited for the call for some more time. I got a SMS alert saying complaint is closed.
I felt very bad and called customer care again and reopened the replacement issue. This time I have carried my Mobi 24*7 with me. I received the call from complaints department and they were ready to send slippers and not the whole product. I explained about the products old condition and asked for the whole replacement. They agreed and sent a courier service guy for return pickup.
The worst part is their Courier Service. The boy had come for the pick up and provided me the return slip in which AWB No is mentioned and asked me to inform the no to HOMESHOP18 Customer care when I receive the call. My bad luck, I could not receive the call because I was sleeping, I called back to Homeshop18 and informed the AWB No. Strange!
After 2 days I receive a message asking for returning the product again.
I was shocked and contacted customer care to inquire why this has happened? They apologized for the wrong SMS and requested to ignore it and after confirming the AWB No, product is safe with them. All of sudden, Courier boy come home for pick up the replacement product again. I didnt have any words to say other than fighting with the courier service and HS18 Customer Care and Complaint Department executives. Finally convinced them providing the return slip and AWB No that the product was already returned.
The replacement order against the purchase was initiated on 21st November 2014 and dispatched on 25th November 2014 and delivered on 26th November 2014. They have sent me the product with wrong slippers attached 2nd time too.
1st time they delivered purple colored ones, 2nd time they delivered mirchi red colored slippers. These two slippers are of two different products which are aired previously on HS18TV. When I called back to the customer care they are least bothered to arrange a call back for the same.
They asked me to wait for 72hrs/48hrs/24 hrs and later within 4 hrs they will arrange a call back. I have logged a complaint on 27th November 2014 and requested for resolving the issue. From 27th onwards I think I have called more than 20 times but there is no response from them.
Always customer care informs me that they have forwarded my complaint on high priority based and complaints department will get back to me with in 4 hrs/ 24 hrs or a specific time. They never called me back.
My call was always kept on hold for an hour or more but none of the seniors were ready to resolve the issue. On my request or since I was begging, one of the executive has forwarded to the floor manager after an hour and floor manager has promised me that complaint department gets back to me by next day 12:00 pm afternoon. I have written/raised a complaint to HS18 support team but none replied.
I have written a negative review on the product so that the support team may get back to me after going through the review but its of no use. I sincerely request you all not to purchase products from HOMESHOP18 and please dont encourage these people to fool others like me.
I am taking time to write this because, I dont want others to suffer like me. Thanks a lot for reading the above lines and trying to understand how much I suffered with these people.