HOME SHOP 18, indias first home shopping network, Positive side:(1)It offers products from very low price to very high end prices.(2)It delivers the products in 2750 cities, so it is easy for common people to order products from HOME SHOP 18(3)The anchors are excellent at giving demos of the products, we are easily convinced by the demos, unlike itscompetitorSTAR CJ.(4)the products are of quality brands.(5)free home delivery(6)very good customer care.
Negative side:(1)they repeat the shows all the time rather than giving fresh episodes on its TVchannel.(2)they cheats customers by not telling clearly about the terms & conditions of the gift coupons.(3)many a times it shows low quality products also but it depends on us to buy or not to buy as it also have high quality products too.
AT the final climax of the review I would not say that it is the best but it is of course better than its competitorSTAR CJ, JUST I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THINK 99 TIMES BEFORE SHOPPING ANYTHING FROM STAR CJ OR HOME SHOP 18. ----------------------BY RJ HARSHEMAIL ME------rjharshd@in.com and say me your response.