Hi friend, I had brought some electronics product from online before. I decided to purchase a pressure cooker from e commerce site. I purchased the cooker from homeshop18. The site or online market is just a bluff or dupe that is full of defective, cheap and substandard product .The site delivers the product faster and price is cheap.I purchased the roti maker and you wont believe they give a warranty period of three months and after this period all products go defunct and they become worthy of thrown away .I had seen their ad continuously and one day called and gave an order for cash delivery .Within three days the product reached and no person was sent to show a demo.I on my own managed and learnt to operate and for the first one months most of the days it went so so though the performance of pressure cooker was substandard and I never heard the brand name . Then after 2 month one day it did not work so we contact customer service center and called and a representative carried it home and after two days returned it in slightly better condition .Then after few days again it stopped working and after seven days again it started working automatically .Then we called the company but they did not give any response . I totally unsatisfied. I want to aware that do not believe on the advertisement on TV. I will not recommend you to e commerce for shopping. I will give it 1 star out of 5
Thank you.