Never buy the product from fabfurnish. I order two wall clock from fabfurnish (klock music and butterfly). But when I received the order. I did not received the butterfly clock there was some other model. Here is the order detail. Even in the shipping material they mentioned butterfly.
Product Description Total Qty. SubTotal
Klok Butterfly Wall Clock Silver 1
Rs. 799.00
S.No. Shipping Status Date Courier Tracking ID
1 Shipped 05th Jul, 2013 DELHIVERY 21210275752
Klok Music Note Wall Clock Silver 1
Rs. 799.00
S.No. Shipping Status Date Courier Tracking ID
1 Shipped 05th Jul, 2013 DELHIVERY 21210275741
You will surprise to know that they took 6 days for the testing the product only. I order the product on 25th June and they shipped it on 05th July.
After this intensive testing, one product is already stop working within a month. I can say that product quality is so poor not worth more than 300 INR.