You want to buy an accord, great. that is indeed a good choice of car. it has great pick up, great average and unsurpassed comfort. the handling is superb. the ride smooth, and the engine, well you wont even hear it till you push it to above 5000 revs. but BEWARE of the availability of parts. they are jsut not available, or simply too expensive. 1991 and above was the new version with a 2000 cc engine and electronic fuel injection. I saw a car with a broken windscreen, which the owner has not been able to get for the past 6 months. other engine parts are scarce. if the fuel injection system is faulty, you will have to replace it , forget about repairing it. and the replacement may cost you upward of Rs. 50000. so you want an acccord, buy the 84 to 85 model. it is the cheapest to maintain, all the parts are very easily available, and the best thing is that many of the parts of the esteem can be fitted with very minor modifications.