We booked a Honda Activa 125 on 28 JUly 2014 at Ganpati Honda, New Railway Road, Gurgaon and we were told that we will get one only in the 3rd week of august 2014. But we received a phone call the same evening that we can get the scooter on 29 July itself.
We were happy that we didnt have to wait.We got a white Honda Activa on 29 July 2014.We went to the local mechanic for fitting of accessories. That was when we met with such a big shock.The Mechanic told us that the front parts of the vehicle were painted and that it was a defective vehicle. There were impressions of the paint left on the nose piece part and there was also color difference between the front parts and the rest of the scooter.
We went back to the showroom but they simply refused to help. On demanding a complaint book, we were told that the showroom didnt have one. There was no phone No available for complaint.The staff at the showroom was highly uncooperative and started abusing us.
We had such a traumatic experience at this showroom and there was no one to help us out.I will recommend not to buy A Honda Activa specially from GANPATI HONDA, NEW RAILWAY ROAD, GURGAON.