Today I want to share my experience that I had with my Honda Activa 125 cc scooty I hope my experience will help you to know more about this scooty actually
Apart from buying Ray Z Maestro I decided to buy Activa 125 cc because it had a better cc engine small digital metre stylist look the mileage capacity the fuel efficiency and the engine pickup with sporty speed made it a better reason to buy a Scooty .
It is costly than other scooty. actually it is really better than deo and ray z in terms of performance it runs smoothly .the pickup of the Scooty is awesome and it really seems comfortable when you are sitting above it although the experience was good enough and I recommend this for the buyers who always wanted a better cc in engine in scooty and wanted to choose unique thanksreading this review .if you have some doubts comment below I will like to help you