Hi my name is Rani here I want to share my experience with honda activa 3G.This vechicle is very bad before 3yrs I bought activa 3G its mileage below 50kmpl but the company told us it will give 60kmpl but it drinking petrol like juice its very heavy vechicle we handle it if we are weak not comfortable
It show wrong speed meter values without any improvements they are updating the name of bike 3G to 4G like this iam not satisfied with this vechile it giving very bad mileage and heavy vechile and we cannot handle this heavy vechile its not comfortable vechile for me.
Changing the vechicle without updating and gave alot of money for that 67000 in paid them am requesting the people who are before buying it just u people have to take test ride for checking the vechile is comfortable to u or not it just investigate other peoples experience no road grip it will give less reliability and unfriendly nature and bad appeal on it.