Honda activa is a best scooty in india for its quality and comfort reasons.
It is a great scooter for all.
Irrespective of age anyone can ride it.
Its comfortable seat and smooth ride is suitable for everyone.
There are less chances of accidents in it.
I bought it about an year ago and I am glad I did it. I never felt that my choice was wrong. I don?t feel Activa has any short comes. One can enjoy riding smoothly through this scooter. If you are planning to buy a scooter this can be a perfect choice for is a name of trust and honda activa 3gHonda activa may be very comfatable for each circle of relatives and the architecture of this bike is very attreactive and gorgous. Now honda activa 3g come combo ruin with high fine fibre and sitting arrangemaent in this motorbike is good for compare to anather organisation bike.