A normal design 100 cc segment scooter if we compere him with same segment scooters like(hero maestro and TVS Jupiter) comes with ANALOGUE speedometer and fuel gauge but not with digital one.
honda activa is most popular and best seller in his segment although I also feel same as a user I m using activa 3g from last 1.5 yr the price range does not have much difference in all three i.e. 55-57k on road.
now talk about the fuel efficiency and performance the Honda Company says that his mileage is 61kmpl but ITS NOT TRUE it is only 42-45kmpl max. fuel capasty is low that is 4.5Lt only(Approx Rs. 300 fuel/full tank).
as per the comfort is concerned it is good. Overall activa is consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted.