Now a day the only scooty which is the first choice of all buyer is honda activa. There is good news from honda company is that they lunch another model of Activa series i.e HONDA ACTIVA 3G. This model is specifically more good that honda activas other model. This model is specified with air cooled, 4 stroke, SI engine, 109.2 cc displacement, nearly about 60KmpL of mileage, 82KmpH of maximum speed, having both self and kick starter, 5.3 Ltrs of fuel capacity i.e petrol, tubeless alloy wheels and drum brakes etc. Speedometer and odometer is analogue type. The body of the Activa 3G is made up of metal so it slight bit heavy than other. The fine colors on it give it more shiny. Scootys are not made up for long drive but with my experience this HONDA ACTIVA MODEL is not bad for long drive. It is smooth and comfortable. So that I am fully satisfy with its all performances. Otherall Performance it is very good and easily affordable for beginerrs male and female. Now a days buyers more like to buy activa models more than buy other bikes or scooty. From that we know about the believeness of people on Honda Activa models .