Hey friends, sorry for kept you all waiting for ny next post, but the news I am goibg to share will bring a smile on your faces and will make you feel kind of worth waiting for my next post.
So lets get stated. I am so very much excited to share my riviews about my new honda activa 4G that I bought a week ago, though bikes of honda specially activa doesnt require
Any special kind of applaouse for its manufacturing and reliebility because it has been genuine and unbeatable over the years so no reliability issues per my thought,
Ok now, first of all, I am not that tech savvy who can speak about the engine anf the part and all that stuff but will merely share what I felt and have been told about it which purchasing. So honestly, its been really improved over the times, instead of earlier heavy steel body honda has used fiber and metal that gives slim and charming look and lighter weight comparatively the earlier models