I am an owner of Activa, infact this sweety was gifted to me by my father and surprisingly it is registered on the same day my angel was born.
Now lets talk about the scooter,
When I got the delivery the spedometer was not working, I had to request the dealer to get the same rectified . The question here arises is that whether scoters are checked before handing over to customers or not . Today it was spedomoter tomorrow you dont know what.
This vehicle is very much RAT FRIENDLY "n " number of times my vehicle has been invaded by rats and some how it is still not stopping. **How come while making such a sofisticated vehicle HONDA has overlooked this important aspect.
*MILEAGE - please this is something HONDA needs to seriously look into, it is pathetic. 32 km/l and this is MAX.
Now the goodies -
I have driven my activa in MUMBAI rains when roads were looking like BIG POOLS and my darling floated on it like anything. It has given me no maintenance problems excluding the alien invansions.