Honda copmanys are very good vechiles and activa honda is a verry good. He is a good colour. He is a superfast running. He is a good quality. He is a good millaze and 1 year Guarnety card. He is a verry beautuful and this is a imaging vechile. He is a verry good metal used and good quality feature and he is very intersting. He is a good quality tyres and I was driving in a good felling. He is verry verry good activa hond and very good honda copmany He is a good millage Activa honda is low price ma ma apko kahata ho ki apko bi activa honda lani chaia ya bahut hi achi ha ha or bahut kam ki ha iska wajan ki kam ho5a ha ap iso kahi laka ga sakta a ha esma apko aga space bi milta ha ya bahut ki achi ha