I purchased HONDA ACTIVA 2 years ago in the year 2003 April-May. I enjoyed riding this scooter may be because it was very different from age old chetak. When I first took a ride it was for test drive. I was purchasing this for my college going daughter and she did the test riding first. When I was riding it for the first time I felt it was very smooth, balance was excellent and the ability to apply quick brakes in the traffic and to raise the engine through the traffic gaps was excellent. Its balance was wonderful and I may describe it as extraordinary. With full knowledge and confidence that I can apply the brakes at an instant and hold it as well without sliding or twirling or any dangerous twist, I rode the scooter full speed swimming through the traffic. Nobody could overtake me because by the time they change the gears I would be far ahead. Its hight is good so you feel good and comfortable while riding. I had spent a total of Rs.43000/= for a new scooter and got it registered in my daughters name and gave it to her. Ever since she has been riding this scooter from house to college which is 20km away.
Two years later I found these following changes (good or bad) 1)
1)The extra fittings, the so called accessories, are rusting giving the scooter a horrible look. The merchant who fitted these things , for example , steel breeding round the scooter to avoid the scratches, has an attached office to the authorized show room. I think he has outright cheated me.
2) After one year when I took it out for ride it was still the same scooter as new as the day I bought it.
3) You do not need a stepney at all because two years regular use on horrible Hyderabad roads could not puncture those tuff technology tyres. Here the dealer properly advised me not to buy the stepney. He even advised me not to waste money on accessories.
4) two years later when I took the scooter from my daughter for a days’ urgent work ( very recently because car parking was hard to get at that place) it was still the same scooter except that I felt that it was running a bit hard. But when I filled the tank with 4 liters of petrol I felt the engine suddenly became very smooth.
I advised my daughter these following, which may be useful to the readers.
1) Start the scooter only by kick starting the first time you take it out.
2) DO NOT RUN the scooter on low quantity of petrol. Keep at least half tank full. The good ones about HONDA ACTIVA. It is very, very safe for girls because it has wonderful balance, gearless, and if punctured it will run for 45 km. Air leak due to puncture will be extremely slow. In a city on the way if it is punctured the girl can be advised to drive on until she reaches home.
3) It seems the life of HONDA ACTIVA is longer because any other scooter after 2 years should have become old and should have begun giving some problems. Not a single rupee spent in 2 years for maintenance.
4) No skidding, No slipping and no untoward happening and accidents in a city full of software guys zooming on fast bikes and the traffic that does not follow rules. It is very safe, trouble free with very good balance. I think the mileage is about 40 minimum to 45 max. which should be acceptable if your usage is from destination to destination and it is fixed.
5) the space under the seat is where my daughter keeps her full face helmet.
6) plastic, attached front glove box is enough for two three books and hand bag.
Noise level is very low. When the engine is kick started for the first time of the day you wont hear the noise of engine. It has a very low humming sound.only when you raise the accelerator you will hear the sound.
I recommend this scooter for any one who will not roam around the city because a bike may give better mileage. Among the scooters it is the queen.