Finally I bought this vehicle on Jan 13, 2005 - A silver Activa from JSP AnnaNagar Chennai.
With over a little 9 years of experience in riding here are my views on...
Pickup - A decent one for a scooter of this 102 CC 4 Stroke category. I feel this is ok for this.
Mileage - An Awesome of 48+ KMPL!!! I myself cannot believe this. But this is how I drive. I make a very good judgement so I apply brakes very rarely, I dont open the throttle all of a sudden, I gradually open it and ride only at 50KMPH or lesser and mostly between 35 to 45. Yes I do sometimes pump but thats only for few seconds and less than a KM rides.
Comfort - OK, its good but I dont feel its the most comfortable one. Its really good when you have ladies sitting behind one sided.
Control - Its good for this category.
The Rides - Will come more on this.