Honda activa is a very good scooter. I obtained this bike on year 2011. this two wheeler is anything but difficult to drive, has an awesome get and mileage. I am as yet utilizing this bike. its taking care of controlling is additionallly great. my brother and sister both drive this activa too.
They both affection this activa. its good look better performance, moderate pickup, user friendly and most importantly is has best resell value. there is no match for it in non gear two wheeler market. it has better life than any other same segment scooter. it has also available in almost all sheds of colour which is frequently asked by the customers. engine life is the key for any automobile and honda activa do not disappoint in this criteria also. price is little concern because mahindra and other brand have introduce their scooter in same segment with lower price range but higher re sell value of the honda activa will neutralize this aspect aslo. I am very happy with my scooter. I am satisfied this scooter and I recommed this scooter to all