Honda Activa is the best two wheeler in Indian Market .For a great ride but only place where it lags its status symbol. It has been branded as ladies bike it looks odd if a Dashing man rides it .I have been driving my Honda Activa for 3 years and I got no problem till date I am quiet happy with it till date .Only issue I face is that people say why you ride this.
It does not suit your personality.In other words we can say its not a Macho bike as Bullet or Karizma but leaving behind this issue its a wonderful two wheeler available in market it can not be compared with any other two wheeler in market. It has no gears so no problem of shifting gear and results in easy ride. Great pickup. Ample space to carry goods which is not possible in other two wheelers. Its button start, great balancing.
After all I would like to give full marks to honda Activa.But if anyone going for style then dont go for it.