I bought this scooter one month back. Its @ 750 kms drive in 30 days and I am satisfied with the performance of the scooter.
I would like to list few goods and bads about it.
- mileage is @ km 45/litre. seems good in variator driven scooters.
Excellent pick up. Watch Activas at signals!
Very low noice of engine.
Good lights and indicators.
Trouble free start up.
Good road grip
-Very good suspensions.
- Waiting period. Worst than that is if u pay full you will get it late. If you buy on loan you will get quicker. very annoying isnt it?
I would like to shout at designers of rear view mirrors!! Totally useless mirrors. No correct rear view at all. Company should urgently change the design mirrors.
Poor brakes consider the powerful engine and quick pickup. Needs some improvements(dont drive above 50 kmph , can be risky.)
Leg space little less for ppl above 5.5 feet tall.
Even numgber plates are provided, very amazing.
Price is little higher.
Overall Good scooter.