I had picked up a silver colour Honda Activa with combi brake 5 months ago. The first 2 months were a nightmare since the seat was really uncomfortable. My old Kinetic Honda was more comfortable for the seat was good and the height, and distance from the handle bar were perfect.
So I thought of selling off my Honda Activa thanks to severe back ache after each ride. But when I had put an additional layer of sponge on my seat, my problems vanished in a jiffy! Now I love my scooter; its the best bike I have ever owned. Its really powerful. Its really sturdy.
The manoeuvrability is great. At least now, can the company do something about the seats? Even now I would strongly recommend an Activa to anyone who prefers a scooter. I havent tried the others simply because I dont like the way they look!
Sasikumar, kpsma@sify.com, Bangalore, 9741334450