The scooter is really good but the service centers in bangalore sucks and is a total waste of time. The vehicle has good pickup if you maintain it properly and the mileage is ok for a scooter with automatic gears. The only problem is the skidding of the vehicle, especially during rainy season and in gravel found on roads and it has the inherent problem of vehicles with small wheels like scooters wherein if you take a sudden sharp turn you end up thrown away from the vehicle. it skids without control and I almost escaped death very close and it took me some time to understand the logic of the vehicle since its a powerful scooter:-)
Driving is easy and the vehicle has very little sound and the smoke emissions are way ahead of standards so u never have to worry about. The service of the centers especially haiku in Domlur/Bangalore is pathetic.what I do is I buy parts from any honda showroom(oil, bulbs etc) and service it with a nearby mechanic in front of me and the vehicle has been running awesome even after 4 years.
The vehicle is good for driving at 30-50 kms(without rain/gravel on the road) and is economical compared to the luxury of effortless driving . maybe aviator could solve the issues but service centers needs a complete cleanup:-(