No one can get back from the truth that active iz d no.1 n best scooter ever available in d crowdy market of INDIA.
we decided to buy a 2 wheeler , when we packed to buy a bike, suddenly it stroke my mind that we have ladies too in our house, so we moved to a scooter that fits to both the sexes, and is powerful.
We started collecting and comparing features of every scooter of our type frankly speaking , honda motocorp left nothing to be on d top of dis jonor. So we short listed aviatar , active n access yeah..... comparing these we found our dreamer as ACTIVA.
It is more comfortable than aviator because of its height and seating position it has better mileage than them, of course very low maintenance, a medium weighted, and a comparable look like them got a smooth 109cc engine. Picks up speed very quick even loaded more than 120kgs hahaha m saying it becose I with my three friends loaded, raced every bike on d highway, but we never won, because it never reached more than 90km/hr..hahah
It gives a mileage of 45 -50 less noising than all. It has everything what u called enough or satisfactory.
So I recommend you to buy it but first u should check these on your own and last I wanna say it is very useful to every class. and of course better for commercial purposes too.
Again, I wanna you to explore its feature on your own.
thnx, have a happy and riding..