We had just finished doing rounds of Fiat, Ford, Hyundai etc to buy a car for my dad, when the time came to buy me a two wheeler for the commute to college.
I bought a Honda Activa. Silver. (it’s been a year now)
Why silver
Personally, I never liked the silver as much, I thought black was the best. But then my dad, knowing me so well, pointed out that I wont have to clean it daily since dust doesnt show on silver. So me being the lazy slob that I am, opted for silver.
What was in its favour
At the time when I wanted to buy a two wheeler I wasnt aware of the activas performance. I bought it since it was different form the regular kinetics and had the honda name. In fact, I couldnt even test drive it at the time since I didnt have a license. But my dad did try it out. So it wasnt such a blind deal after all. but I admit, I bought it for the name. Honda is synonymous with machines of good design and reliability. I had the feeling my money (or rather my dads) was going to the right company.
The Delivery
The entire delivery process wasnt so pleasant. Honda Activa was much in demand and I had to wait for over a month and a half for my unit to arrive at the showroom. Especially the silver colour was always out of stock coz of high demand (maybe everyone, like me, wanted to escape the daily cleaning ritual?)
The ride home..
I had been driving a Kinetic ZX for the past month and when I got my new activa home, the ride was like a dream. I could barely hear the engine, the handling was super cool. No struggling with the handlebar. The breaks were a dream. I was in love.
About the mean machine
It is automatic. So that means no more changing gears at traffic signals. You can simply zoom off.
The Activa has a superb advantage over its kinetic counterparts when it comes to height. The activa stands taller and thus handling is a dream. It really is. The engine is four stroke. Sounds like any cool motorbike (with the exception of a bullet or a harley).
The activas engine is centrally aligned. All two wheelers including the Kinetic Zoom and ZX have the engine placed to either side and not in the centre. The activa has it bang in the centre, so thats good for the whole balance thing.
The new indicator switches are nice too. You have them in the Bajaj Pulsar as well and I guess a few others. Instead of the usual push left for left indicator and back to centre to switch off, the activa has indicators that can be switched off by simply pressing the button which you maneuver left or right as desired. Its cute.
The Activa has foot pedals for the pillion rider which can be pulled out for use. This option is not present in the Kinetic Nova, which had the pedals as a part of the body, permanently sticking out. I hate that. I call them wings and I cant stand them sticking out!
Things like the front storage comptartment and the side foot rest for the pillion rider are accessories and are optional.
The space under the seat is phenomenal. The major reason for me opting for this machine was the space for helmet. I always wear a helmet and I find it a huge pain in the... err.. neck, to carry it around where ever I go.
The Activa has a choke system which youre supposed to use each day before you start.
The fuel tank capacity is 6 litres.
The centre stand of the Activa is very easy to use. Unlike the kinetic, the centre stand is much easier to use inspite of more weight of the body.
The breaks are excellent. Many a time Ive been saved by them, so they deserve special mention here.
The high beam and low beam options are available.
The pick is very impressive.
With high speeds of 75-80, the activa doesnt rattle at all and maintains its royal silence.
The seat is very comfortable and firm, unlike the extra cushiony or rock hard ones offered by many other two wheelers.
It has the kick start and the electronic starter as well. Unlike many bikes, this one does not charge extra for the electric starter. Both, the kick and the starter are part of standard equipment.
The stuff thats not all that good
The activa is a bit heavy. Its heavier than the kinetic but its height helps in improving the handling inspite of the weight.
The rear view mirrors arent as good as that of the kinetic. They are a bit small and dont seem to offer as clear a vision. But that was what I felt when I switched from Kinetic to Activa. Now, Im used to them though.
The plastic part of it doesnt do too well in th sun.. turns a weird patterned grey.
Check the paint around the flaps for feet on either side (foot-rest thing). Make sure its fine.
No extra additive is required ever time you go fill up your tank.
The mileage is understandably lesser when compared to geared scooters.
However it is one of the best among the automatic scooters.
The mileage I got last week was around 47 in usual city conditions with constant accelerating and braking. But I was driving around with very little air in the tyres. So its possible that this mileage will go up a wee bit if you have the regular air pressure maintained.
Never a flat tyre
The activa has tuff-up tubes that have a fluid in them which automatically seals any minor punctures and thus you never get a flat tyre. There is hardly any need for a spare tyre. This is a really cool thing for the ladies... no need to sweat it out to look for a guy to help you change the tyre ;)
I abuse it
Im not what youd call a good master. I treat my machine like a piece of crap.
There isnt a pothole on the road I have missed. (what can I say, I have a knack for it)
There isnt a day that I dont give my poor activa the shocks with the constant accelerating and sudden braking. Poor driving. But it takes it well.
I rarely ever bother to get the air pressure checked. The chap filling air, at the gas station keeps warning me about it. He even gave me a short sermon the other day. Short, only coz the others in the line were honking. Not his fault. I was driving around with the air pressure at just 16 whereas it should be around 23-25.
Yep, as a master, I suck.
My verdict
I think the activa is not a ride for kids or little young girlies. It has the handling and the performance of any good bike on the market and is definitely not a scooterette.
The handling is a dream and so is the mileage.
Its a machine you think is just your ride for college, but instead over a period of time, you being to respect it. I do. (though I dont think I gotta keep it all that clean just coz I respect it, or do i?)
I could go on for ages, but lemme just say, one test drive and youll be smitten.
PS: I havent experienced any problem so far, and the service seems pretty satisfactory.