I read some reviews about Activa...
But Heck it aint that bad a vehicle after all ya k...
Im using one since my 16th birthday, n yes there are some prblems, but whats perfect rt?
Yes, it does have some starting problems, even I faced the same... But it can be easily fixed by increasing the idling rpm, which can do at any workshop...
But the drawback to that is that you get lesser average...
Im getting something around 38-40kmpl... which is fairly ok...
I read some review where the guy claims the average is around 20??? Whats up with that?
Man you need some serious counselling, coz youve been ripped!!!
They mustve put a Bajaj Spirit engine packed in a Activa Body!!
Hehe.. But the vehicle is a decent buy, I mean its no Karizma, but its ok for your normal college student, whos waiting to be 18, so that he can dump his activa n get his hands on a cool bike...
N whoever said that the bike starts wobbling n sh*t at around 35km... is downright wrong! Its a very steady bike...
Also, its a heavy vehicle, so its damn hilarious watching women put it up on the main stand!!
It does have some positive points:
Ample Storage space... thats a HUGEE plus point, scoring over other scooters like Kinetic Honda, even most bikes ( I guess Unicorn has a underseat storage space...
Average Performance... Like it wont go vroomin around but it can easily go upwards of 80km... ( Me n my friends tried how fast it can go, n one of us got it past the 85 mark..! but that was on a LONG strch of road.. void of ANY traffic...)
3.Cool Brakes... Braking is damn good, a thing absent in nova which has got horrible brakes
Looks... Its a average looking vehicle, but it kinda grows on you! Also, it don look wierd if a girl is drivin it... as is the case with MOST bikes
The Name Honda... Jus the name HONDA garuanties, that the vehicle will be top notch...
Headlights and Indicators... The headlight is powerfull, the high beam is ultra cool.
The indicator is normal I guess... But whatever you do, dont opt for that stupid buzzer... It irritates me everytime. Why do even people have it on? Cant they even remember that they have turned it on? Who does that?
I don think these people should even be given liscences...
The Tyre... I neva had a prob with that. I dont even check my tyre pressure. So I guess it must be good!!
Comfort... Its a pretty comfortable vehicle. So comfortable, it gets you a$$ numb after driving continuously for a long strech!!
Great for a long drive with your Girlfriend.. (ONlY if you don have a bike, if you do, why bother?)
Less Noise... It makes almost no noise while driving about your city. Cool feature this...
Cost... Is this much of a factor? Still, its priced at a moderate 38K + accesories... But even the number plates are included in them!!! Thats bloody rippin you ya k.
The fact that Im writing this review!!!
Overall its a good buy, if you ask me.